« All artforms are in the service of the greatest of all arts: the art of living. »
Bertolt Brecht


WHY « Emòvere » ?
In Latin, emovere means :
• To put the body (as well as thought) in movement
• To bring emotions (as well as thoughts) to the surface
• To move outside, to draw out, to shake, to stir

WHY Experiences in movement ?
Because all learning is vehicled by experimentation, through the act of undergoing an experience, and without movement life is impossible

Ò ?
The emphasis on O wants to add rhythm and movement in the graphics as well as in the pronunciation of the word, in resonance with the spirit of our work.


ASBL-Belgique was founded by two Italian artists and somatic educators. Thanks to the encounter of somatic education and the founders’ and team’s artistic practice (movement, song-sound-rhythm, plastic arts, storytelling, etc.), Emòvere ASBL works together with and through childhood and an intergenerational public, aiming to awake, to amaze, to accompany in various situations and to facilitate ties and connections.

Emòvere ASBL also develops parallel actions, aimed at the diffusion of :

• shows, installations, performances in theatres, day nurseries, museums, schools, health structures…
• inter-generational projects to reawaken the senses and movement, in collaboration with specific structures and territories
• courses of guidance for parents during pregnancy and postpartum, parenting and education, in collaboration with specialized structures
• training for educational and health professionals
• projects to introduce and promote awareness of the body for everyone


Photo Emòvere Federica


Afterwards, she has broadened the chances to nourish and cultivate her interest for creative expression, transmission and accompaniment, thanks to Body Mind Centering© and somatic education (Federica teaches other postural and somatics approaches, such as Gyrokines/Gyrotonic…).

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Alice - Emòvere


As a physical comedian and somatic educator, and as a theatre director with a special interest in spaces and materials, she likes to provoke dialogues between seemingly distant languages and persons.

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